November Affiliate Challenge

It's here, our biggest month of the year! In order to celebrate and give our thanks to you for being such incredible partners, we're excited to kick off a brand new affiliate challenge.

Time Left To Win Big:

Challenge Details

You have the chance to earn upwards of $1k+ in addition to your commissions $, see details below.Please note: This challenge will end on the last day of November. We will reach out to the winners within the first week of December.


For bringing in the highest number of new subscription orders


For bringing in the highest number of new customer orders


If you're one of the top 3 affiliates to drive the most revenue this month

What else can you expect this November?

Exclusive Early Access

Your followers will receive exclusive early access 1 week in advance to our biggest sale this year!

Black Friday Bonus

Each affiliate will receive $$ for posting on Black Friday! Stay tuned on email for details

Cyber Monday Bonus

Each affiliate will receive $$ for posting on Cyber Monday! Stay tuned on email for details


Feel free to email us at [email protected] and we will be happy to answer any questions you have!