Daily Electrolytes
Hydration is especially important on keto.
When your body adapts to ketosis for the first time, you lose more fluids (and electrolytes) than normal. This can cause unwanted side effects such as dehydration, altered mood, fatigue, constipation, cramps, brain fog and headaches (also known as the keto flu).
⭐️ Adding 1 scoop of Daily Electrolytes to your water will help reduce those nasty keto adaptation symptoms.
After you’ve adapted to ketosis, Daily Electrolytes will ensure you maintain the right electrolyte balance in your body.

Base Ketones
Support fasting and ketosis with our Base Ketones supplement powder. It’s formulated to provide the boost of ketones and electrolytes you need to feel full for longer and help you extend your fast. It also provides a caffeine free energy boost during exercise and supports mental clarity.