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Can Keto cure cancer?

There is a growing body of research as well as anecdotal evidence of Keto being able to help treat cancer, sometimes when used in conjunction with the current standard of care. Currently, there is not enough research to say for sure; however, currently it looks like patients suffering from certain types of cancer may respond well to Keto. There are several potential mechanisms behind why Keto may help with cancer such as combating inflammation but one of the primary reasons is that cancer cells prefer to use sugar to grow and progress so when this primary fuel source is restricted, it is thought that the outcome of the disease can improve. There is a lot more research needed to determine...

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Is caffeine healthy?

In moderation caffeine has been shown to boost your metabolism, improve your mood, increase athletic performance, and possible decrease the risk of heart disease in some individuals. More is definitely not better when caffeine is considered. Over consumption of caffeine has been linked to insomnia, increase in anxiety, digestive distress, and hormonal disruptions.

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