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How do I measure my body fat or muscle mass?

Desired body composition changes (increase in muscle mass, decrease in body fat) is best measured using a DEXA scan. DEXA is currently the gold standard in tracking lean mass percentage, body fat percentage, bone density, muscle symmetry, and regional composition. If you don’t have access to a DEXA scan, listed below are some other options to track your progress. Calipers: Calipers measures subcutaneous fat (fat directly under your skin). While this is not a very accurate measurement technique, it is useful to track trends in changing body composition.  Always test under the same conditions and have the test completed by the same person. Bioimpedance: This form of measurement uses an electrical current to measure body composition. The machine estimates body composition based...

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How do I maintain a Ketogenic Diet?

Around 90% of diets fail. This means in order for you to see long term success with Keto it has to be adopted as a lifestyle and not a short term fix or fad diet.  In order to make this a sustainable lifestyle it’s important that you adjust Keto to fit your food preferences, activity level, and bio individual needs. One of the biggest tips for success is to find nutrient dense foods you actually enjoy to eat. This shouldn't be too difficult since many of the most nutrient dense Keto foods are delicious and help you feel great! This also means having some flexibility within Keto. Don’t feel guilty when you have a higher carb meal on OCCASION or...

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What are the best flours to use on Keto?

The two best flours to can used on keto are coconut flour and almond flour Coconut Flour is very absorbent and generally you want to substitute ¼-⅓ cup coconut flour for 1 cup traditional flour. Almond Flour may require more moisture added to the recipe. Generally the ratio for substitution is 1:1. You may need to experiment with the amount until you reach the desired consistency. Ground flax is another good option but some people may be sensitive to flax so be sure to assess your tolerance.

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How much MCTs can I have on Keto?

If you have never taken MCT oil then chances are taking a full serving may lead to adverse side effects such as upset stomach or even diarrhea. For this reason, it is advised that you start with ¼ to ½ serving and increase as tolerated. Note that you may not experience noticeable benefits consuming MCTs in this small amount but over time you will be able to handle higher doses.

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What is the difference between MCT Oil and Coconut Oil?

MCT oil is the fat that is contained in coconut oil.  It is extracted so that it does not contain some of the other fats and compounds found in coconut oil. The primary difference between the two is the fatty acid profile.  There are technically 4 different kinds of MCTs: Caproic Acid (C6) Caprylic Acid (C8) Capric Acid (C10) Lauric Acid (C12) Lauric acid is considered an MCT but it possesses characteristics of both MCTs and regular fats. The difference between Coconut Oil and MCTs is the presence of Lauric Acid. Coconut Oil is comprised of mostly Lauric Acid with lower amounts of the other MCTs.  Standard MCT Oil is made up primarily of Capric Acid and does not contain...

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